Betta splendens, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are part of a large group of fish.  There are lots of  color types out there, and you can even get different sizes.  They are members of the same family as gouramis and have a ray fin.  Betta fish are sometimes referred to as Siamese fighting fish mainly due to their  typically aggressive personalities when around other betta fish.  Therefore, it is wise to keep them in a different aquarium from other fish.

Despite their large flowing fins that make them look big, bettas are actually pretty small.  Typically, bettas reach about three inches in length from the nose to the start of the tail.  Betta fish in the fish keeping hobby have very  bold and bright colors.  For decades, fish breeders have found the most colorful betta fish and bred them together  to create more vibrant and more interesting bettas.  All bettas have flowy fins that are fairly small, however due to selective breeding some betta fish have big spread out  fins.  [url= This Web site]

For the most part, it is wise to house male betta fish in their own aquarium.  They will battle one another every chance they can while they're together.  This also goes for betta fish of different genders.  You shouldn't ever put a male and female betta fish with one another, with the exception of if you're working to make breed.  Female bettas are the exception.  Many people house a group of of female bettas in the same tank in what is called a betta sorority.  Offering fish tank decorations, driftwood, live or fake plants and some other places to hide will keep the peace.  Nonetheless, most bettas are able to be be in the same tank as some different varieties of fish.  Learn more about betta compatibility to be sure you choose appropriate fish.

Taking into account their quarrelsome attitude, it's no surprise they are meat eaters.  Bettas have mouths that point upwards and prefer to feed on the surface of the water.  Water bound insect larvae makes up the majority of their diet in nature.  If you're a betta fish owner, you can find special food called betta pellets.  Even though the majority of betta pellets and flakes use similar ingredients, you should still buy a high quality brand.  Bettas really love eating freeze dried or frozen glassworms and shrimp.

Naturally, a male and a female join together to breed.  The male starts the process by spreading his fins and flaring his gills.  The female will get darker if she is excited.  The male then builds a nest of bubbles at the waters surface.  The female drops her eggs to the male who will then  fertilize them.  The male will use his mouth to amass the fertilized eggs and put them safely into the bubble nest.  The eggs stay in the safety of the bubble nest until they hatch and are able to swim well.

A lot of people say bettas live just 2 to 3 years, however in a well cared for habitat, betta fish regularly live for as long as seven years.  As with any living creature, you must provide them with an adequate aquarium and food.  If you are new to the hobby, or you've cared for fish for many years, bettas are certain to bring some happiness to your life.

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